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Global Private Equity Fundraising

Tombstone Page
RidgeLake 2023 1.1b.png

RidgeLake Partners

Minority investments in

middle market GPs

EMZ 7.jpg

Euromezzanine 7

Middle market mezzanine investments in France

Selene II.jpg

Selene Mortgage Fund II

Investment in distressed

mortgages through acquisition

of whole loan portfolios

Pinnacle Debt II.jpg

Pinnacle Ventures Debt II

Early stage venture

capital investments

Dawson 2021.png

Dawson Portfolio Finance 4

Structured liquidity solutions

Cyprium IV.jpg

Cyprium Investors IV

Sponsorless mezzanine in the 

lower middle market

Industry Ventures VI.jpg

Industry Ventures Fund VI

Venture investments in direct secondary opportunities and 

limited partnership interests

Auda Secondary.jpg

Auda Secondary Fund

Acquisition of existing limited

partnership interest in the

secondary market

Dawson 2019.png

Dawson Portfolio Finance 3

Structured liquidity solutions

RiverRock Euro.jpg

RiverRock Euro Opportunities

Secured direct lending to 

European corporate market

Selene I.jpg

Selene Mortgage Fund I

Investment in distressed

mortgages through acquisition

of whole loan portfolios

TR Capital III.jpg

TR Capital III

Secondary investments in Asia

Morgan Stanley Credit.jpg

Morgan Stanley Credit Partners

Global investments in

corporate debt structures

Pinnacle Debt III.jpg

Pinnacle Ventures Debt III

Early stage venture

capital investments

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